Saturday, October 6, 2007

About the name...

Everything must have it's own identity...including me and my blog. I've been thinking about a host of names to match, and more importantly to reflect the true initial intention of this blog. Among those names which cropped up include a series of simple, weird, and not to forget an abundant of meaningless words.

I prefer a unique and simple name, the one that has a lasting effect on the person who views it. But it's easier said than done...either somebody else had grabbed that particular name, or the system rejected it because its popularity might disrupt the server (I guess). Either way, it had left me stranded and facing a big dilemma ahead.

My first choice is "rumpun-belantara"....with a small tag of " Di balik belantara kehidupan, masih wujudkah rimbunan keluhuran? Mungkin hadirnya cuma serumpun, namun saatnya kan tiba kala rumpun ini menjadi belantara..." After a long and hard thought, I scrapped sound more like a Samad Said poetry. I don't want to attract such kind of people here.

Then came the title "pelangi-senja"...with a small tag of "pelangi menuju senja". I made a little change afterwards, dropping the word 'pelangi', and opting for the title of "senjakala" instead. But to my surprise, somebody else has adopted that name. I did try to use "sangka-kala", but that name sounds improper...and somehow it give a strange creepy feeling to me.

So Panca Sitara is next in line...but it's too vague a name (and a bit long). So I shortened it to Panca Sitra....Pancasira...and lastly Pancasara won my heart and mind. It is the reflection of what I've been through all this while...

I checked with the system, luckily nobody has adopted this name to date. And I put a little effort to check whether it has anything to do with anything (because it just cropped in my mind without a proper meaning). I found out it has something to do with a Sanskrit big deal there it is...the birth of this blog...