Fahmi arrived two days ago. My best friend in my sophomore year in USM, his sudden arrival came quite as a shock for me.
The last time I met him, it was a year back. Then, I was just coming back from a rare trip to KL.
I went there by flight...my first ever experience onboard. I went straight home after that, only for Fahmi to arrive days later in USM to complete his hectic 3-week intensive study schedule. He asked me to keep him in company...as Firdaus the ‘Papa’ was unable to join him.
I took some time off in the comfort of my home before agreeing to his request. It was a short semester break in USM...and I was still plunged deep inside my depression period. I needed space and time to recover...what better way to rejuvenate yourself than being in a company of somebody who understood you inside out and shared your agony?
We were born in the same month, have a strong passion for football game, used to skip classes together, used to quarrel about petty issues, have had a fair share of betrayal from someone close to our hearts, and did stupid and useless things together.
For three weeks, we locked ourselves in our room in Indah Kembara, battling head-to-head in Football Manager. I had the upper hand over him...as I was using Liverpool (with Torres firing on all cylinders) and he was managing his obviously weakened Arsenal side. He grew frustrated with the game...and at one time, he tried to block my acquisition of Ricardo Quaresma by deliberately (and of course, desperately) launching a late bid. But he failed to land that flamboyant winger, indeed he settled for the unknown Loric Cana.
Loric Cana, then the captain of Marseille, did score against his beloved Arsenal side in the Champions League. Another player, Fernando Belluschi, which I signed, was playing with another Champions League side that night...but we failed to get a glimpse of him. Most of the young players we knew today were the result of Football Manager.
This time around, Fahmi will be here for three weeks. Much had changed since then...but some things remain the same. Not even the passage of time will change them. Hard times are ahead...I wonder what’s his plan for the future, but for an intelligent man like him, I’m sure he’s got plans already hatched for the future. It won’t be easy, but we’ll try...