After months of solitary confinement, I will let Pancasara float again in the blogosphere.
Some of my avid blogger friends have either abdicated or retired for good. So it's back to square one...I will become a lone blogger again.
I have so much in store....I should stress again Pancasara is my reflection of what is happening in my life. One day, when I'm gone, this is the only place where people could extract accurate and reliable information about the roller coaster ride of my life. I maintain my earlier position that 97% of the content in this blog is true.
So I need to roll up my sleeve and get ready for the bumpy ride ahead...for Pancasara's life is very different from other ordinary folks. I am an ordinary man doing ordinary thing in the extraordinary atmosphere...
The next posting should be about someone very close to my heart. I would be a long story with lots of accompanying pictures...but I'll save the details for now.
For the moment, welcome aboard, Pancasara....brave the sea, and the opportunity is as endless as the horizon...