Thursday, April 21, 2016


I just half-finished the second articles for today. A long way to finishing those two...but I'll bide my time.

It was very tiring for my mind to consistently stringing up all those proses. I wonder how all the great writers of the world (Malcolm Gladwell, Ha Joon Chang, Haruki name a few) come up with their beautiful narrations at the drop of a hat?

That's why they are all great writers. Top of their field. Whereas I am still sitting here. Top of my chair.

My second straight night of insomnia. I don't know what is happening to me, I just couldn't sleep. 

I was thinking...maybe my whole body system is working together secretly in staging a coup against me? Could it be that they wanted to take over me?

I am your master...I won't give up that easily.

Dr Amir abruptly came over just now, in the middle of me cracking my head reading and analyzing what I was reading. He greeted me with his simple word "banyak fikir Mi?"

Of course Dr. I was even thinking how to beat myself to sleep.

Dr Amir left shortly afterwards.

Zila messaged me just after midnight. Due to some circumstances, I wouldn't be able to attend her wedding day.

Of course I feel terribly guilty. Who wouldn't? It's her big day but I won't be there.   

Maybe, I was not a good friend after all.

Now, please sleep.