1. On Friday, the badminton session went on as scheduled.
2. There were regular outfit such as Ah Yong Kanasai, Hafiz and me. Malik eventually turned up, together with Anip 'the coach'. Ah Yong's minor foot injury seemed to subside...it cost me three 100 plus last week for our losses.
3. Amir was the first person to arrive. Adam unexpectedly turned up several minutes later. In the end, as many as ten people were there...far exceeded my early estimate. Even Lah and Farid came to join the crowd.
4. When I first been toying with the idea of badminton, it never crossed my mind it would be such a success. Ah yong was the one responsible for making it a weekly affair.
5. When I proposed the idea of Futsal, it was warmly received. Hafiz and Amir even bought a new pair of boot to prepare for the game. We approached big brother Kamarul for his insights. He is the best ‘Futsaller’ I’ve ever seen, despite his physical attributes. For such a big body frame, he is extraordinarily fast and skilful.
6. I asked Acap, my former dormitory leader to join the fray. A Mathematics graduate of UMS, he was noted for his leadership quality while in KMK. He initially agreed to turn up, but he politely asked to include his own friends in the process. He would bring along his own group to compete with us.
7. After much consideration, I accepted his request. We lack individuals to make up the numbers…and I was equally afraid by the thought that Kamarul might call his Indian counterpart to compensate for the lack of participant. They are very skilfull, I watched them once. We will be outplayed to no end by them.
8. Futsal is my weak point. I can play anything as long as it involves my hand, be it badminton, squash, tennis or even hockey, but my leg fails me terribly. I can’t even kick a ball properly. How on earth would I perform tomorrow? I hope it all goes smoothly…
9. My two days off application had been granted. It was almost half a year since I've been back. I miss my lovely house, my family. I miss everything. As they say, time flies. Ten years ago I was still a small boy. And now I still craved to return to the good old days. When I was free...free of any worries, free of expectations, free of any daunting task, free of all the hassle and bustle that crept up and haunted me almost everyday.
10. But life do offers some bright hope. Watching smiling faces on the street is a big relief. Life is unfair...but life is unfair to everybody. So life is fair after all. It doesn't matter if you were born fat, pretty, short, ugly, idiot, or even Einstein...if you live your life to the fullest, it more than makes up all your apparent shortcomings. Dream your life, and live your dreams. Do what you love, and love what you do. After all, we are just a normal human being. With the need to love, and the need to be loved.
11. And it makes me think of the one that had left me behind in pursuit of her love, and the one that I'd left behind in pursuit of my life. Throughout my course of life, I've done many wrongs, committed countless sins, hurt many hearts. I humbly ask forgiveness for all my wrongdoings. I can't change the past, the best I can do is to correct my past mistakes, and paint a better future.