Monday, August 25, 2008
Revolution of Mi
Tak sangka, ramai jugak yang masih hargai kewujudan aku.
Pada yang wish, aku betul-betul rasa terima kasih.
Mengimbau balik, aku telah dilahirkan di Kangar, Perlis.
Dan diberi nama Mohd Suhaimi bin Kamarudin.
Masa kecik-kecik, mak dengan abah panggil aku 'abang'.
Kakak sekali panggil aku abang, walaupun kakak lagi tua pada aku.
Bila adik aku lahir, aku dipanggil 'chaq'.
Panggilan tu kekal sampi hari ni.
Masuk sekolah rendah, kawan-kawan panggil aku 'Mi'.
Cikgu semua pun turut sama panggil aku 'Mi'.
Masa darjah 5-6, sepupu aku si Zahid yang mula-mula menggelar aku 'SK'.
Singkatan kepada 'Suhaimi-Khadijah'.
Entah kenapa, aku kuat digossip dengan kawan sekelas, Khadijah, masa sekolah rendah dulu.
Penggosip utama tak lain tak bukan adalah Azimie.
Tapi Azimie dan Khadijah sekarang pasangan tunang.
Mungkin akan kahwin tak lama lagi.
Busra pulak orang yang mula-mula panggil aku 'sumi'.
Panggilan paling pelik pernah aku dengar sampai hari ni.
Masuk sekolah menengah, lagi jauh terpesong.
Orang panggil aku 'Ewok'...walaupun aku tak dapat ingat senior mana yang mula-mula lekatkan gelaran tu pada aku.
Masa di Kulim, aku dapat lagi panggilan baru.
Ada yang panggil Suhaimi Squash.
Ada yang panggil Suhaimi cuti...sebab aku terlampau banyak ponteng kuliah.
Nates yang mula-mula bagi gelaran Suhaimi cuti.
Siap lakar dekat loker lagi gelaran bagi semua ahli Dorm Damai.
Di USM, tak banyak perubahan sangat.
Rata-rata kekalkan panggilan Mi.
Masa aku mula kerja, Ah Yong panggil aku mi.
Tak lama lepas tu, bila dah rapat, dipanggilnya aku 'mee goreng'.
Kawan aku, Zimah UPM pulak panggil aku 'mee'.
Rasa macam kelakar...tapi mungkin tu cara dia.
Rata-rata kat tempat kerja panggil aku 'Ah-Mi'.
Mungkin sebab majoriti situ orang cina.
Semua ada 'Ah' kat depan...Ah Bee, Ah Aeing, Ah Yong, Ah Chin.
Kawan aku, Saiful, dipanggil 'Saifool'.
Nasib baik bukan Ah Fool...lain macam pulak bunyi dengar.
Lagi 10 tahun, orang akan panggil aku 'Dato'.
Kemudian 'Dato' Seri'.
Dan bila aku dah 60-an, orang akan panggil 'Tun'.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Better to understand a little...
When I was dining out alone some two months back, I overheard a conversation between two persons.
It can't be help, I already developed this nasty habit of always eager to hear what other people are talking about. To those who know me, I am an extremely quiet and introvert person, the one who rarely strikes a conversation unless I feel I really have to.
These two young boys were talking about their future. One of them claimed to have been accepted into University of Malaya, one of our premier University. According to him, he was on way to enroll into Bio-Technology course, which I think comes under the Faculty of Biology.
I felt quite excited, after all, this young boy was going to study Science in UM. Quite an achievement. I listened carefully to what he was going to say next. He must have achieved a considerable good result in order to be accepted into the elite University.
But a moment later, my excitement was fast turning out to be an utter disappointment.
His friend asked him, what Bio-Technology would be like.
He gave this answer.
“Something to do with moving objects without requiring any technological machine, only by using biological advancement”
What the hell?
I know one such course (if there exist any) which can move objects without any technological assistance. That is called Black Magic machine or technological assistance, only Bomoh's assistance.
I am no scientist. But as far as I'm concern, Bio-Technology deals mainly with genetic.
He understood the question, no doubt. But he tried to provide answer even though he was clueless. Because nowadays person with answer is seen as smarter, whereas person with a lot of questions tend to be viewed as dumber.
But it is not necessarily true.
I remember a quote I collected on the internet (which I saved in my hard-drive) a few years back.
"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." - James Thurber
We are living in a world which people prefer quick answers...without even knowing the real questions. In other words, we still do not know the real problems, but we are swiftly looking for the solutions. We don't want to be called stupid.
As happened to me during my secondary school. Teachers were clueless as what was happening to me...but they never asked me. And they never noticed or try to understand my "real" problems...yet they constantly looking for answers.
How could they solved my problems without knowing my real problems? Weird.
We should pause and think for a Albert Einstein put it "The important thing is not to stop questioning"
For me, the one who asked the question to his friend should get an A for his curiosity...but the Bio-Technology-to-be guy should get an F for his ignorance (or should I say for his stupidity to look clever?)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Juara lagi...

Pertama kali aku join Liga Fifa, pada 2007, di bilik Fisal.
Aku menang tanpa sebarang cabaran...jauh meninggalkan pesaing-pesaing yang lain beberapa tiang di belakang.
Aku tak main tiga game terakhir...sebab dah confirm menang. Team aku waktu tu cuma AC Milan.
Aku mula main Fifa secara serius bermula 2006. Masa tu, teruk aku kena belasah dengan Fahim dari BootSector...seingat aku dia menang 7-0.
Aku tergolong dalam kalangan orang yang degil. Kalau nak buat sesuatu, sama ada aku buat betul-betul, atau aku tak buat langsung. Tak ada istilah B, C, atau D dalam hidup aku, cuma ada A atau F.
Lepas kekalahan memalukan tu, tiap-tiap hari aku berkunjung ke BootSector...aku mula berlatih balik dari mula...dari akar.
Lepas beberapa bulan, aku berjaya kalahkan Fahim. Tapi aku takkan lupa jasa dia yang banyak tunjuk ajar aku selok-belok Fifa.
Firdaus selalu jugak ajak lawan...selalunya di Infinity. Tapi mungkin sampai sekarang dia tak sedar, kebanyakan game yang dia menang, aku sengaja bagi...untuk tak bagi dia patah semangat.
Lagipun cuma Daus satu-satunya teman aku untuk main Fifa waktu tu. Fifa yang membuatkan aku dan Daus begitu rapat.
Untuk versi 2007, ada dua edisi Liga Fifa. Satunya tanpa penyertaan Fuad, penyandang juara edisi sebelumnya (aku belum bertanding).
Edisi pertama Liga 2007 dijuarai oleh Zul. Aku nombor dua...Zul Sabah kedudukan terakhir.
Untuk edisi kedua, aku di tangga ketiga...paling teruk pernah aku dapat. Undian pasukan yang aku dapat ialah Lyon...sampai hari ni aku masih terfikir, kalau aku dapat pasukan lain selain Lyon, mungkin aku ada harapan cerah untuk juara.
Tapi akur dengan syarat pertandingan, aku tak merungut walau sedikitpun.
Dan aku tebus balik dengan kejayaan bergaya di Liga 2008 yang baru berakhir. Aku cuma bolos dua gol...dan mengekalkan rekod bersih tanpa kalah sepanjang pertandingan.
Yang paling manis, aku cuma guna Liverpool! Pasukan yang paling lemah antara kalangan yang bertanding. Terima kasih pada Torres yang menyumbang hampir 90% gol kemenangan aku.
Aku tak banyak berlatih secara fizikal...aku cuma tak berhenti berfikir pasal bola. Setiap saat dan ketika, aku fikir taktik dan skill yang perlu aku guna masa Liga...berbeza dengan lain yang hanya berlatih depan komputer, kemudian bila tak nampak komputer, segalanya hilang.
Takkan ada kejayaan tanpa usaha. Bakat takkan ke mana tanpa usaha yang berterusan. Mungkin kelebihan aku adalah tak mudah terpengaruh dengan serangan psikologi...walaupun aku sendiri tak pasti. Rasa gugup kadang-kadang akan menutup terus segala kelebihan yang kita ada.
Ini Liga yang terakhir. Lepas ni semuanya akan terpisah...mencari arah hidup masing-masing. Surat Perjanjian merangkap Watikah Kemenangan akan aku simpan baik-baik...tak ternilai harganya...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The next Nicol David?

The inaugural winner was Sarawakian June Tiong (1999). Since then, Penang players have won it every year except in 2005 and 2006 when Tan Yan Xin and Yong Sue Ann, both from Selangor, captured the trophy.
I first met Vanessa two years ago. In 2006, I took up squash to fulfill my co-curriculum requirements. USM imposed a regulation to complete certain unit of co-curriculum activities for undergraduates, ranging from archery, badminton, swimming, tennis and lots more. Failing to meet this requirement would exempt us from graduating.
I am no stranger to squash. I was MSSM Malacca under 15 silver medallist in 2000, and won gold medal in the team event the same year. In 2003, I was made captain to lead KMK in which I won every match, only dropping a set against a KMJ player. The rest, I won with straight set.
When I arrived in USM, I faced a harsh reality. There was a hell of good players here. I struggled to keep up, and finally resigned from taking squash too seriously.
I subsequently lost interest in squash...the game which I once regarded as " The Beautiful Game"
It was not until one late afternoon, when I decided to stay back after the class had dismissed. I played alone...trying to recapture my lost stroke. Squash is a game of art...a very beautiful art. If we hit the ball correctly, the ball will keep bouncing beautifully until it came back to us.
An Indian family entered, a woman with her daughter and son.
Feeling tired and worn out, I took a rest.
The woman asked me to be his son's sparring offer I couldn't refused. A young boy in his fifteen's, I thought I could teach him some lessons. After all, I have 5 years experience in squash, and had competed in numerous high-level tournaments.
But, in the end, it was him who had taught me some painful lessons. He crushed me 9-0, 9-0...without dropping a single point. I was sparring with a monster, albeit a young one.
He was non other than Brian...then a rising 13 year old squash prodigy. He is the elder brother of Vanessa. Fresh from winning the under 15 title, he was on a break before embarking on another tournament. Personally, I was not quite pleased with his somewhat arrogant attitude. But he was an incredible player...the reason (for me) it was OK for him to be a bit arrogant.
Vanessa was then an innocent ten year old girl. She constantly refused to strike the ball...citing she was tired as an excuse. Her mother asked her to have me as her sparring partner. She hesitated at first, but accepted her mother's request later on.
As a 20 year old boy, I was certainly stronger and faster than her. But she constantly outwitted me with her excellent shot. She has a very good stroke...and excellent technique too.
But whenever she failed to strike the ball properly, she would throw out her racquet and sat at the center of the court all alone. After all, she was only ten. Her emotion got the better of her almost all the time...something that her mother was trying really hard to fix.
When squash classes ended, I rarely went to the squash court. The last time I saw her, she was already about my height. She'd grown up rapidly...and she keeps improving up to this day. Gone are the days when I was able to bully her around in the court. She certainly can humiliate me at ease nowadays...the way her elder brother did to me.
It's not long before she could succeed Nicol David as the world number one. And I'm quite sure she can.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Beijing 2008

I sat in my Deputy's Dean Office during Athens 2004...eagerly listening to his somewhat boring and monotonous lectures. I skipped too many I met him, to apply for a 'special leave'. He refused to grant me the leave, but he did assure me that he won't bar me from sitting for my final exams.
This time, I'm fully prepared to tackle Beijing 2008 more seriously. I've squandered too many opportunities to really enjoy the charm and magic of Olympics. It won't happen again this time.
Hopefully, when London 2012 commence, I'll be in a much proper condition. Maybe I'll be in London then...furthering my studies. Who knows?
By Kuala Lumpur 2020, Malaysia should be able to win a couple of gold...and hopefully breaking a handful of world records too.
But for now, just hoping for our first Olympics gold medal to finally arrive...even though I still doubt it very much...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Tales of Hang Tuah
This is the story of a person whom I respect the most. His name was Tuah bin Mahmud. I am pleased to tell the story about this young Malay who had shaped the history of the Melaka Sultanate and became the source of inspiration to millions of people.
Hang Tuah was a Malay. An "Orang Laut" to be exact. Son of Hang Mahmud and Dang Merdu Wati. Born in Bentan, his family migrated to Sungai Duyung, Melaka when Tuah was still a toddler. He had lived through the reigns of 6 Sultans - Sultan Muhammad Shah, Raja Ibrahim, Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah and died during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah.
He was born in the mid 1430's. We first met him at a wedding of Jebat's eldest sister right after the coronation of Raja Kassim (Sultan Muzaffar Shah). He was older than the 7 of us although I suspect Jebat was slightly older than him because his voice broke much earlier than Tuah. Jebat was our group leader then. The rest of us were myself, Lekir, Lekiu, Hassan, Hussain and Iskandar. Jebat’s sister had just married Bentara Hamzah Datuk Bongkok. Hamzah was recently appointed as Bentara in the new Sultan’s court and we all wanted to be just like him.
During the day, we imagined ourselves as the young Melaka heroes who would vanquish the armies of Siam or fight the Javanese pirates singlehandedly and save Melaka from any invaders forever. And at night, all 8 of us would gather at Hamzah's house and listen to his adventures in the palace.
Through the advice of Hamzah, we were sent to Gunung Ledang to learn martial arts from his former mentor, Sang Adiputra. We stayed there for 2 years. Hassan, Hussain and Iskandar did not come with us as their parents moved to Inderapura (now Pahang).
I remember Sang Adiputra once foretold that Jebat would have been a greater warrior than Tuah but his own recklessness will be his downfall. Jebat was clearly a stronger warrior than Tuah. But he was impatient at times and where Tuah lack in strength, he made it up with tremendous agility and cunning. Thus, a stronger warrior does not mean a better one. It was there in one of the caves in Gunung Ledang that Tuah was made our leader. Sang Adiputra told Jebat to listen to Tuah and never doubt his actions. To Tuah, he adviced him to be sincere and serve Melaka as he sees fit. Above all, he wanted all of us to take care of each other.
Upon our return, Melaka had a new Bendahara whom everyone had proclaimed a hero upon his victory over the Siamese armies up north. Tun Perak was indeed a charismatic Bendahara. He was in his 30's when he became a Bendahara. Tall and almost regal in nature, he inherited the qualites of his late father, the old bendahara during Sultan Muhammad Shah's reign.
When a group of "orang laut" ran amok in the main market near the docks, Bendahara Tun Perak had just came out from the Syahbandar's meeting hall. It was unfortunate that he brought only 3 guards with him. Eventhough Tun Perak could easily strike down a few of them, the overwhelming numbers of the orang laut had joined in and started to encircle the helpless Bendahara. All five of us, not more than 16 years old, fought along beside the Bendahara and his guards while waiting for help.
In the end, nearly 20 of the orang laut had been killed while Jebat and myself were slightly wounded in the legs. Lekir lost his little finger in the process. Only Tuah was left unscratched. Tun Perak was so impressed that he appointed all of us as Biduanda and we worked as Tun Perak's special retinue from henceforth.
We were living in an exciting times as Sultan Muzaffar Shah was the first of the warrior sultan in the dynasty. All his previous ancestors were more of a merchant than a warrior. Melaka was in the midst of expansion and we were swept along with it. We travelled a lot during those days. All of us even followed the younger brother of Tun Perak (Tun Perpatih Putih) to Beijing as part of an envoy to help bolster the diplomatic relations between Melaka and China. Emperor Zheng Tong was so pleased with the eloquent speech of Tun Perpatih Putih and the gifts by Sultan Mansur Shah that he gave one of his niece, Li Poh to become a wife to the Sultan.
At first Princess Li Poh was not pleased and would show her sadness openly during our voyage home. But during the journey, Jebat would use his charm and tell funny stories to soothe her worry. We even called her 'Hang' Li Poh just to make herself feel accepted as one of us. In later years, her son Paduka Mimat would help Tuah in his adventures of finding the elusive Puteri Gunung Ledang.
One of the best adventures to have been taken place was when we went to Majapahit two years after Sultan Mansur Shah was coronated in 1459. Tuah was already a Laksamana replacing Tun Hamzah Datuk Bongkok who was sent by the Sultan as the Governor of Inderapura. Sultan Mansur wanted an ally to fight off the repeated threats from Siam. He offered to marry one of King of Majapahit's daughters in exchange of safe trading routes for Majapahit's vassals. Not pleased with the apparent blackmail, Raja Girisawardhana wanted to test the strength of Melaka warriors first. If our warrior loses, then Majapahit will not need the Sultan's protection. If we win, then he will bestow his daughter, Raden Galuh Chandera Kirana to Sultan Mansur as wife.
Back from the borders of Majapahit, fresh from the rest after the battles with neighbouring kingdoms, Taming Sari, the greatest of all Majapahit warriors, stood face to face with Tun Tuah in the crowded palatial courtyard. It was mid morning. The sun was shining brightly. Tuah hated the weather in Majapahit. It was too hot, too soon. Some say Taming Sari's keris had magical properties. As first glance, it was nothing more than a simple keris, with wooden hilt, and almost rustic looking. But the blade was gleaming menacingly. It was longer than any common keris. It curves 7 times before it reaches the tip.
The preferred weapon in the region at the time was the "golok", a long curvy sword. But since both men wanted the fight to be more intimate, they opted the keris as the weapon of choice.
Eventually, Taming Sari was slain by Tuah near twilight that same evening by his own blade. Raja Girisawardhana was in awe with Tuah's prowess. Taming Sari's keris was broken at the hilt during the fight. The Majapahit King decreed that a new hilt of gold and pink rubies be made.
But the blood of Taming Sari that had stained upon its blade was very difficult to disappear. It gave the blade an eery dark brown and deep red hue. It was said that the blood of Taming Sari was the reason that gave the keris its magical powers.
The keris was presented to Laksamana Tun Tuah in a highly decorated manner. With so much grandeur and dignity. We were so proud of him. Tuah then gave his own keris, Pamung Sari to Jebat. Upon our return to Melaka, Jebat was promoted to the rank Temenggung while I was promoted as Bentara Kanan. The vile Patih Kerma Wijaya came into existence as an envoy of Majapahit and chief adviser to the new bride from thereon.
Tun Perak tolerated Patih Kerma Wijaya but we hated him. His opium smelled breath made me nauseous sometimes.
In the 15th year of his majesty's rule, Tun Tuah was sentenced to death for treason. Patih Kerma Wijaya had skillfully wedged himself into the inner circle of the Sultan and planted the seeds of his treachery while the 3 of us were away on duty in Riau. Upon our return, Tuah was about to be executed in Sungai Ujung. Only Jebat managed to secretly see him in his confinement. The rest of us had to protect the Sultan from the angry mobs that had surrounded the palace.
I realized the minute I saw Jebat's face after his rendezvous with Tuah that morning that Jebat will plot vengeance. When Tuah was about to be executed by the orders of the Sultan, his last words to Jebat was - "buat baik berpada pada" (do a lot of good), but before he could finish the sentence, Jebat furiously screamed at him with words - "buat jahat biar kepalang!" (yet do a lot of evil) and then left him abruptly. Jebat had always been the brooding type. He was more temperemental and sarcastic in nature as compared to the mild mannered Tuah.
I disagreed with Jebat's plan but chose to remain quiet. Jebat pacified the angry mob outside the palace and met with the Sultan and his family within. The Sultan was grateful that Jebat had understood why Tuah had to be killed. The law is the law and no one is above it, so said the Sultan. At that juncture, Jebat grabbed Taming Sari and killed the Sultan's youngest son, Raden Kelang (son of Raden Galuh) in one swift motion. His voiced had turned cold when he whispered menacingly to the Sultan;
"Engkau yang dilaknati, minta ampun pada Tuhan!" (You who are damned by God, ask for His forgiveness!)
But before his blade touches the Sultan's chest, Lekir managed to sidestepped Jebat and they both fell awkwardly. I quickly rounded up the Sultan and his family to the exit and herded them to a safe place. By then, Jebat managed to kill a few Royal Guards. Lekir was injured and had to be taken out of the palace. Jebat looked at me one last time before screaming;
"Raja adil raja ku sembah, raja zalim kita sanggah!" (I submit to a fair King, but we fight against a cruel King!)
Jebat wanted Patih Kerma Wijaya's blood in exchange for the palace. Most of the Sultan's concubines decided to stay with Jebat for reasons I do not know. Jebat was indeed good looking and was popular with the ladies in the court. Pateh Kerma Wijaya was holed up in Bendahara's house for a couple of weeks. Although Tun Perak despised him, he was still a diplomatic ambassador from an allied nation.
At the end of 1464, Pateh Kerma Wijaya was killed in an ambush by Jebat two days before the monsoon season. Running scared, the Sultan asked the 3 of us to confront Jebat. Relunctantly, we obeyed the orders. But Jebat would not fight us or even listen to us. The palace that he reigned supreme now was like a fortress.
One night after a full cycle of the moon, Tun Perak summoned me to his house. He was grief strickened and wanted me to find an old hermit called Sang Rajuna Tapa. I reckoned Tun Perak was delirious from having a high fever. Sang Rajuna Tapa was certainly no hermit. He was the legendary Bendahara during Parameswara's rule in Temasik. How could he still be alive? He must close to be a hundred by then. But in haste I did go to Ulu Melaka.
I was shocked that Tun Perak had been hiding Sang Rajuna Tapa and Tuah in Ulu Melaka. Sang Rajuna Tapa was indeed an old man and had disguised himself as an old imam called Syeikh Mansur. Years ago, he was banished from Temasik and was told never to come back. Tuah had been learning some secrets of the art from him. He looked refreshed there in Ulu Melaka. I was overjoyed upon seeing him. But sad at the same time. Tun Perak should have not kept this secret from us. But then again, Tun Perak and Hang Tuah were of the same breed of warriors.
The day Tuah fought Jebat was not as what was depicted by the storytellers. Jebat had indeed became more bloodthirsty by the minute. He was practically ruling Melaka with an iron grip. Traders shunned our ports and the coffers dwindled. The Majapahit King was rumored to prepare an assault to Melaka for letting his grandson murdered. Through Jebat's extensive reach as the Temenggung, the Sultan's distant cousins from Kampar, Siak and Indragiri had been secretly communicating with his men so that one of them can be installed as a puppet Sultan for Jebat. A number of foreign envoys hungry for power had also started to cut a deal with Jebat. Something had to be done.
It was after the Friday prayers when Tuah reached the palatial gates. With Pamung Sari in his hand, we and about 200 of us swarmed the locked main entrance. Tuah called on Jebat to come out. It took him about an hour to answer Tuah's challenge. By this time, the people of Melaka had surrounded the palace, wanting to see the duel. I estimated about 20,000 people had came to watch them fight.
Jebat was happy upon seeing Tuah. But his laughter was not only hysterical, it was tinged with madness. Jebat then killed one of the concubines just to whet Taming Sari's appetite. Jebat offered to fight on the courtyard but Tuah declined. He said it's better to fight inside the palace so that the people will not see the death of either one of them.
Storm raged Melaka that night. We knew that a terrible duel was taken place above the howling wind. We waited outside till the next morning. Sometimes they would rest, sometimes Jebat would let Tuah pray undisturbed. Tuah later on told me that Jebat declined to pray because his sins were already too great to be forgiven by God. By late afternoon, we heard the death cries of Jebat from the inside. Tuah came rushing out. His face was ashen while his body was covered in blood. He threw Taming Sari to me and ran towards the parted crowd.
We went inside the palace but lo and behold! Jebat was still alive! But his stomach was badly wounded. He was busy wrapping the angry wound with a piece of cloth so that his gut wouldn't spill out. Jebat was a strong warrior indeed. Seeing his death face, Lekiu, Lekir and myself left him there attending to himself as the sight was too much for us.
It was hard enough for Tuah to contain Jebat when he was angered and it was extremely difficult for the Royal Guards to subdue the wounded Jebat. Nearly a hundred of innocent people died in his rampage in search of the Sultan. Finally exhausted, Jebat came over to Tuah's house.
We were there when Tuah lifted him up into one of the rooms. Jebat managed to ask forgiveness from all of us for his treachery and for acting without our consent. We shed a few tears then. Jebat died in Tuah's arms as the wrappings were undone. Blood flowed freely from his mouth, nose, ears, eyes and every pores of his body.
From that day onwards, Tuah became a different man. He became deeply religious. He followed the Arab traders back to the heart of Ottoman Empire in Turkey just to learn more about Islam. The death of Jebat changed him. Jebat was his conscience at times. Sometimes, his wild streak. He was more ferocious when Jebat was fighting alongside him. The death of Jebat showed him how greatly Jebat was needed. During the reign of Raja Hussain (Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah), Laksamana Tun Tuah had always wanted to leave the life of the royal courts. But not until Raja Hussain was poisoned to death in Pagoh did Tuah left in such agony. His heart broke yet again when he was unable to prevent the death of the young Sultan.
I was made Maharaja Setia (deputy Bendahara) and Jebat's only son, Khoja Hassan took over as Orang Kaya Laksamana Melaka in 1488. Incidentally, Khoja Hassan was also Tuah's son in law. Tun Tuah was called into service one last time during the reign of the petulant Sultan Mahmud Shah as the head of retinue to find Puteri Gunung Ledang.
Until this day, the day I find rest at last, I am glad to have Hang Tuah as my brother. His steadfast loyalty and unwavering stance to protect the system was like a beacon in the days we weathered through. Tuah was given a terrible choice which he then chose as he saw it fit. Hopefully, the new Bendahara, Tun Mutahir will find new breed of young Malay warriors to protect what we have now against the dark days ahead.
Rewritten by JMD (JebatMustDie) based on Sejarah Melayu, Hikayat Hang Tuah and Tuhfat Al Nafis.
I came across this highly interesting post by JMD (JebatMustDie) days ago. Hang Tuah was the greatest Malay warrior ever lived. It should be made compulsary for every Malay to read this story, beautifully narrated and rewritten by JMD.Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia...Hang Tuah is truly the pride of all the Malays.